
Friday 31 May 2013

My results for xtramaths.

This is my xtra maths results. I done better because last time I never went up to 9 crosses before so I done better.

My mathwhizz results. By Cyprus.

This is my mathwhizz results. I could've gotten 5 out of 5 because I acedently click on the other one instead of the right one.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

xtramaths results.

This my xtramaths results. I think I need to type faster and dont rush.

Friday 24 May 2013

My xtramaths.

My results for xtramath. I think I need to  work on typing fast and work on focusing.

Monday 20 May 2013

Mathwhizz results.

This is my mathwhizz results. I think this is to easy because I know what 10 = 10 is its is 20 but I am not good at the hundreads.

My comment to Patrick.

This is my comment to patrick and I hope you enjoy it. This is my comment to Patrick as you can see I only have 1 comment to Patrick and I post on 20 may 2013 09:46 you caan see that its at the bottom of my comment. Imagine Patricks results on his math whizz just look at my sentence.

My mathwhizz results. By Cyprus

This is my improvment on mathwhizz. For my improvment I got 0.04 and thats good because its on the green line because if it was on the red line like where the zero is that will not be good so im doing good.

Thursday 16 May 2013

xtramath results. By Cyprus

This is my xtramath results. I am doing a little bit good but I just need to type fast and think but I can't wait to be up to 100% because that good.

Mathwhizz results.

my mathwhizz results. Im good on this one but not on the main one the one up to 9 out of 9 and pubished it up on my blog so you can see it. Im getting good because I have been counting in tens fast as I can and some anwsers are easy because I know them. If you want to know what activity is this well it is Rapid Recall- multipilcation And I got 5 out of 5 and thats good because it not like up to zero and one and two,three and four only five because if you had zreo because it will be very disapointing. bye.

My mathwhizz results.

My mathwhizz results. I need to get faster at typing but Its to hard for me.

This is my mathwhizz results.

This is my mathwhizz results. I  acedentily press 25 instead of 35 but I need to work on don't rush thats all.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

My math whizz results by cyprus

This is my math whizz results. I think this is to easy for me because I count the row like this one its 7 and I count the sides and its 5 and that equals 35 see easy. I need something harder.

My Math Whizz results. By Cyprus Davis

This my Math Whizz results. I think I need to do better at calming down and pick the right coin. I was just guessing that it was the right coin so but its hard because it don't got the information like the number and stuff like that.

My Math Whizz improvement. By Cyprus

This is my improment for Math Whizz. I have 0.09 but on my usage I am on the green line so that is good and the number of the usage that I am on is 59 minutes and thats good as well unless is not at zero because if it was it would be very disapointing. 

Tuesday 14 May 2013

My mathwhizz results. By Cyprus

This is my mathwhizz results. This is a little bit hard because sometimes I get confuse and I need to work on typing fast because I am not that fast at typing when I am in a test.

My result for mathwhizz. By Cyprus

This is my results on mathwhizz. I think this is to easy for me because I count with finger and I count in threes.

Monday 13 May 2013

How many tens in a 119? By Cyprus

This is my how many tens in 119 and how many ones in 119. There are eleven dollars in a hundred, and nine dollars in the ones.

Friday 10 May 2013

My should we wear a uniform at PBS.

This is my should we wear a uniform at PBS.

I am learning to identify the number of tens in three digit numbers. By Cyprus

I am learning to identify numbers. There are twenty nine tens dollar notes and two dollar coins  ones and that makes two hundred and ninety two  dollars with tens and ones.

My mathwhizz results.

This is my mathwhizz results. I just got one right and im just doing a little bit better on my other results.

My mathwhizz results

This is my mathwhizz results. I think I need to work on my counting in tens but I think this is to hard for me to test.

Thursday 9 May 2013

My results on Xtra math

This is my results on Xtra math. I think I need to learn to type faster

Ny results on math whizz

I think im getting at my counting. This activity is mental calculation strategies- Addition.

This is my mathswhizz results

It think I need to do better at counting the months on the table and make sure I need to do better at thinking as well.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

My results on math whizz

This is my results on math whizz and im doing better at typing.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

My results

This is my results from xtramaths and think im getting at typing.

Monday 6 May 2013

My xtramath results

This is my xtramath results. I think I need to get better at thinking.