
Thursday 12 September 2013

my current event results with my partner.

This is my current event results with my partner. I will tell you one of my answers  that my friend and I got right, here. Q.1 This week the New Zealand government has agreed to fund the re-entry of which mine?
Pike River
Black River
West Coast the anwers  is pike river.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

xtramaths results.By Cyprus.

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This is my xtramaths results. I have done really well but my teacher Miss Paton keeps growling at me because I have to go on subtraction. I am a little bit frighten of subtraction but I am trying my hardest. I got 2 wrong which is 8+6 and 6+3 the answer for both of them are 8+6= 14 and 6+3= 9 

My results on matwhizz.

This is my mathwhizz results. This activity was a little bit hard because I didnt understand this. I am very happy with my progress.

Friday 6 September 2013

Production Goals. By Cyprus.

Production Goals

How to move from an OK performance to a Very Good Performance Move from being ZERO to HERO

* Talk slower - EVERYONE
* Look at the audience when we are speaking and acting out our parts
* Use more expression
* Don’t get distracted by the people behind- Cyprus, Thomas, Patrick, Linda, Fine, Angel, Jharda’e, Samantha, Oh S’mar, Jasmine, Jason
* Know the timing off by heart
* Talk louder - Fine, Angel,
* Be confident don’t be shy
* When you hear your cue- act on it.
* Look not laugh when someone makes a mistake
Don’t giggle when someone is acting
* Bodies facing audience, but also looking at the actor beside you - include your audience
* Don’t get distracted when you’re back stage
* Use some actions when you’re talking
* Get ready back stage
* Spread out those who are flowers, mountains, fish,
* Don’t let your class down
* Put lots of effort into the class performance
* Take your role seriously
* Leave other people alone
* Concentrate on your part
* Try and make the performance real

I think Room 5 should put lots of effort into the class performance because when  Patrick talks he goes so fast and the audience could not understand what he said.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Kiwi kids news results. By Cyprus.

This is my kiwikids news results. Me and my partner Thomas had 100% and we were so happy. I didnt know that Who is the Labour Party leader that announced this week he is stepping down from the leadership role and the anwser is David shearer .

Tuesday 3 September 2013

This is my art reflection. By Cyprus.

 Art: Reflecting on my Painting

1. Are you pleased with your painting? why / why not?
Yes because it stands out probably.

2. What did you find easy when you created your painting?
Painting the squares by the co-ordinates.

3. What part did you find tricky when you were creating your painting? -think about painting, ruling up the grid, measuring, using the co-ordinates, etc. Erasing the grid lines and the co-ordinates. Drawing the grid lines and measuring the angles.

4. Who / What helped you when you were painting?

Miss Paton’s examples helped me.

5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: colours, painting, ruling up, etc.

Change my colors.

6. What frustrated you when you created your painting?
Erasing the grid lines.