
Friday 2 August 2013

Classroomscale. By Cyprus

The teachers desk is the opposite  side of the exit door. the doors are not the same sides. The netbook cupboard is the same side as the little white board. The corner where the door that says exit is the opposite of the teachers desk. The window is next to the teachers desk.

The Netbook cupboard is  the opposite of the exit door. Miss paton desk is the opposite of the art area. The front door is the opposite of the maths corner. The fourth computer is opposite of the big white boards.

Miss Patons cupboard is opposite of the shelf or the library shelf. The front door is the opposite of the maths area. The cupboard is diagonally across the back door.
The two sets of windows are across from the other window at the back.

The rubbish bin is diagonally opposite of the towles.

This is my classroom scale.

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